The Power of Mantra and Sound

Saturday 18th February 2023
From 7.30pm - 9pm
AT The Yoga House
The Brook, Upper Cumberland Walk, Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN2 5EH
Join Theresa on this full moon weekend for a soul nourishing evening exploring the yoga of sound at this gorgeous private yoga studio in the heart of old Tunbridge Wells.
After a guided meditation to ground your energy, Theresa will lead you through 108 rounds of an empowering mantra, and then lead a fun and uplifting kirtan session.
Whether you are new to Sanskrit mantra and chanting or an experienced kirtan goer, the evening will be suitable for everybody. Come along ready to participate - drums, rattles etc will be available for you to try out, in addition to your own voice. You don’t need to be a good singer to feel the immense power of this practice. So don’t be shy, come and along and experience the sheer joy of these ancient practices in a safe space with likeminded yogis!
Investment £25
Please book through the Yoga House

“A lovely, restorative day ….very uplifting!”
“Very well planned, organized. Liked it was for everyone, for all
abilities. Reinforced my love for yoga"
“Your professional attitude really brings a lovely feel to yoga sessions"
"It was such a lovely relaxing day, perfect in every way"
"Love your rounded approach: yoga, meditation, breathing - very heartfelt"
"Thank you so much I feel relaxed, re - energised, focused and peaceful. So good to get my body going again."